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Vector of Sight and Soul


Nine seas, nine mountain ranges away there is a land…

On mountain passes, at the very peak, stone towers are built which are called lhatsi in Tibetan (heaven‘s ridge). Therewhere, at the point of extreme difficulty, people sacrifice their energy to build stone towers or stupas. For the Tibetan this is a sacrifice to local deities and spirits.

And for me, is it? Is it for me? For you? Is it? Is it is?

Rivers are crossed, and creeks, and Vilnelė is. As far as we know it, an inhabitant of Užupis is someone who‘s crossed the river, who‘s reached the other shore. It makes no important difference where one lives afterwards.

Užupis belongs to someone‘s inner side. There is someone crossing a river depicted on the crest of the city of Vilnius. Is it a story of Užupis, a story of man who crossed the river encouraged by his faith to discover the other shore, to discover the ridge of his self, to discover what is he?

Here and there a tower appears for local deities and spirits, for a reason or none, as a token or just a fragment of beauty, without even knowing why. Now and then tides and storms take it down and flush it away. Now and again someone builds it anew. Now and again a new prayer flag is waved.

Never too late to live.

Never too late to cross a river.

Never too late to encounter your vector.